I filed a complaint with the Judicial Standards Commission of New Mexico against Judge Daniel Sanchez for denial of due process and violation of the ADA, Title II.

Judge Sanchez is a judge here in Santa Fe, in the First Judicial District. He is the judge who received his 15 minutes of fame when he allowed a woman to get an injunction against David Letterman to keep the late night talk show host from sending her mental messages.

I filed my complaint against Judge Sanchez because he broke the law in my case. In fact, he broke two different laws: the Constitution (which I realize isn’t important any more, so obviously that wouldn’t be held against him); and the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title II.

The following is my Complaint, which was of course denied. The Judicial Standards Commission decided Judge Sanchez hadn’t done anything wrong that a little appeal wouldn’t fix. Never mind that it made it impossible for me to get an equity loan and that leaves me with a ton of equity, even after the “mortgage meltdown” that I can’t get a penny of.

Thanks, Judge Sanchez and the ever vigilant Judicial Standards Commission. NOT.

In Section 1, I wrote:

Complaint for Foreclosure


Amended Complaint served during Chapter 13

After waiting to be served when I was not in bankruptcy and no service being made I answered on October 24, 2005

I moved for accommodation under the ADA on November 4, 2005

On December 15, 2005, without a hearing, Judge Sanchez foreclosed and scheduled a sale thus denying me my constitutional right to a hearing. There was no hearing and I wasn’t told of the sale until after it.

On page 3, Allegation 1, I wrote:

Judge Sanchez violated the law when he disregarded my Answer and Motion for Accommodation. The law provides for due process, Fourteenth Amendment. He denied me due process.

I provided the requested names, addresses and telephone numbers.

I said the Evidence was The Record Proper.

Page 4, Allegation 2, I wrote:

Judge Sanchez violated court rules providing for hearing and opportunity to be heard.

Once again I supplied the requested names, addresses, etc.

Again I indicated that the evidence was the Record Proper.

Page 4, Allegation 3, I wrote:

Judge Sanchez violated the ADA, Title II, by refusing to hear my motion for accommodation.

I supplied the requested names, addresses, etc.

The evidence is the Record Proper.

Page 4, Allegation 4, I wrote:

Judge Sanchez violated the ADA, Title II, by denying me accommodation under the ADA, Title II




















I supplied the requested names, addresses, etc.

Evidence is the Record Proper


Signature page


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