9/24/2016 ~ Now that I know what Robert Rubin was/is really like, I’m red-faced to think I believed he would care about Americans who weren’t a part of the Wall Street elite, like himself.
And, in the end the Senate held hearings on IRS abuse of taxpayers, and laws were enacted that in fact made a difference.
Because this is 2016 and the primaries were clearly rigged by the Democrats, I will add that while Democrats have consistently made fun of members of the Tea Party because of their spelling, rather than looking at the issues they raised/raise, the fact is that many Republicans understand the issues I’ve raised in relation to IRS, while Democrats in the 90s as well as now have mostly disparaged my criticism as without foundation.
This being the case, I see more value in the Koch brothers funding the Tea Party than I see in Warren Buffett profiting from Wells Fargo’s rampant fraud.
Copy —
Karen Kline
Santa Fe, NM 87505
The Honorable Robert Rubin
Secretary of the Treasury
15th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, D.C. 20220
Dear Mr. Rubin,
Yesterday I received the last check I can expect to receive from my tenant, who is moving. It was only for $320. With the three hundred and twenty-nine dollars that I have, that gives me a total of six hundred forty-nine dollars. I tell you this because without a phone I cannot rent the unit. I say this because I have not been able to rent the other unit I have, under similar circumstances. Our local newspaper will not take ads from people who do not have phones. Well, actually, they originally took my ad, only they didn’t run it. My ad had said that I would hold the rental open and had given the times; I went to the unit every day for a week, but no one came. Only when I called the paper to change the word Open, to View, thinking that perhaps people were thinking my rental ad was a misplaced Home for Sale ad, did I learn that my ad hadn’t run. I said that I was upset they had pulled the ad and never told me. The newspaper employee with whom I was talking said, well, I didn’t have a phone, in a rather snippy tone. I replied that she could have written to me. She said she was much too busy to do that, that she had hundreds of ads like mine to deal with every week. Oh really, I pressed, she had hundreds of ads from people whose
phones were disconnected and who were therefore running times in their ads, instead of phone numbers. Well, no, she conceded.
Since I have stated, because I mean it, that I will kill myself when either my home or the properties I was relying on taking care of me in my old age are foreclosed, or I have no money left, the little amount of money that I have reflects the little amount of time that I have. That is why I began this letter as I did.
It is the case that I have a letter from IRS which I received the day before I received the final check from my tenant. In this letter, a typical letter, copy enclosed, it says, “We will mail a final response to you by July 30, 1996.” Also, I have no idea what the name of the person is, who signed the letter, since it is unreadable, for me, and “For” Mark D. Cox. Nor, do I believe, is it the same name as the printed name given in the text of the third paragraph. Don’t you think, really, that anyone in IRS, dealing with me, in circumstances as serious as this, should give their name, clearly?
Would you trust a Realtor who behaved like this in terms of accepting responsibility? Would you want to buy a house from someone who wouldn’t give you clear answers, starting with their name and the location of their office. Let me tell you, I don’t think you could sell a house if you behaved like this.
When I look at this new IRS letter, saying that a final pronouncement will be made on July 30, 1996, I am struck by two facts: first, I have been told I would be given a “final” response before, and second, the words indicate that IRS feels confident about making a unilateral pronouncement, one which it fully expects me to take as gospel.
Since IRS has been vastly wrong in dealing with me, for years, I do not look forward to their “final” word as anything more than the same thing they’ve already been saying for years: we’re right and we have the power to make you agree.Well, that’s not true. I don’t agree. I will kill myself rather than agree with something that is patently wrong when it is a wrongness that is affecting many, many people in the most deleterious way. And, if I run out of money prior to the 30th, I will kill myself then, not waiting for some ridiculous “final” letter.
I am enclosing for you a copy of my 7/7/96 letter to IRS Commissioner Richardson, as well as one of its enclosures: 2. a letter to the American Association of Suicidology; 3. a copy of a letter to Donald Skadden in which I talk about a letter I wrote to Ralph Castillo, Treasury Inspector, a copy of my letter to Mr. Castillo I already sent to Ms. Richardson with my May 9th letter.
Besides the fact that my letter to Mr. Skadden discusses the serious problems existent with IRS, it is important for me to enclose it because of its list of enclosures:
Look at the enclosed copy of my letter to Donald Skadden following that visit. Also, read my letter to Ralph Castillo, a copy of which was made a part of my May 9th set of letters to IRS, which I sent to you as a bound copy.
Since my printer just ran out of ink I am going to take fifty dollars and go buy two more cartridges, right this minute. Then I am going to buy another hundred dollars worth of stamps. Tomorrow, when I am certain that I have covered all the salient points I meant to cover, I will add a copy of this letter, and its enclosures, to the bound copy I have been sending out, and have ten copies of it printed for mailing in the next few days.
Who am I mailing to? All different people, from well known people I see on Charlie Rose and The News Hour/to people in businesses whose products I like, to people who may never ever be on telly, but who, I think, will find the issues I am raising to be of interest, that is, people whom I have met and liked and who have understood, when I have mentioned it, the problem with IRS.
I will also enclose for you, 5. a copy of Merrill McLoughlin’s letter saying my letter to David Gergen, 6. and its enclosures, 7. and 8, my letters to Montel Williams and to Secretary Cisneros, “have been read with interest.”
The thing is, I have said that I am willing to die for this cause, and that is true. I believe that when I am dead, what I am saying will no longer be ignored. Or, maybe it will be, since all the Congressional people to whom I’ve written, and been ignored by, will not be interested in calling for their own resignations as they called for Janet Reno’s in relation to Waco, or Secretary Perry’s in relation to the bombing in Saudi Arabia… Yes, I have written to Arlen Specter.
You know what I think, that it is not the copies of these letters that I send to members of Congress, or to famous people, that will make the difference, but rather, the copies I send to people like me, ordinary people who believe in what is right.
Because there is a tremendous fear of IRS, I will have printed, in a few moments, ten covers for this, added to the other sets of letters included in my bound copies. Each of the covers will be to a friend, not by name, but simply to: A Friend,Someone Whom I Have Met and Grown to Like.
I hope that bound copies are passed around, without recipients fearing to be associated with me; I have been told, often, how much people fear IRS.
Karen Kline
Karen Kline
P.S. Printing the ten copies cost $50 — Tabs cost
$5.00, and binding will cost another $3.00 or so, per copy —
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